lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

Preserving Foods: Fruit Candying

Before you start, read our introduction first!

Candying Pineapple


  • 5 cups of pineapple cut in pieces.
  • 5 cups of sugar.
  • 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate.
  • Water until is soaked

This is the recipe I learned from my dear old Granny, and let me tell you, after finishing this process you will realise just how yummy Grandma's food really is.

1. Knife time!! Please be careful and do not cut yourself. Cut the pineapple into little squares, making 5 cups. 

2. Those pieces are put into the saucepan. The first time I did this recipe I got a very bad burn, so I advise you to be extra careful around the saucepan, because those burns really do hurt!

3. The pineapple is soaked in bicarbonate and water.

4. Then, it is stirred. Try to stir it thoroughly, you don't want any pineapple to get stuck to the saucepan.

5. Let it still for one hour, so it is well rinsed. In the meantime go do whatever! Read a book, take a break, watch TV, fight with your neighbour! I advise the latter, it is very fun to do.

6. Grab a strainer, and get out all the water of the saucepan. The bigger the strainer, the faster you will get the pineapple done! Again, watch out for the hot water!

7. Sweet Sugary Time!!! Put the five cups of sugar, and let it cook. Stir it a little so the pineapple doesn't get stuck to the saucepan.

8. Put a little stick of cinnamon (if you have), stir it and let it boil. The cinnamon will add an extra touch, so I totally recommend you to use one, or at least that's what Granny says, I can't tell the difference.

9. Every once in a while check how it is going, you don't want the entire thing to burn and have all of your hard work spoiled right?

10. When it gets crystallised, let it still for a while so it can get dry. Yummy, now you can really tell why the process is called candying, it really does look like a candy.

11. For letting it dry faster you can strain it or putting it into the oven. And that's the end for now folks. Now you can put it away to eat some other time or eat it right away! Your choice.

12. And for the last step, ENJOY!!!!

"Recipe for Candying Fruits." Personal interview. 24 Oct. 2013.  

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